piątek, 23 grudnia 2011

Not only passive income!

Making Money on the Internet is not just a passive income (that is, one that brings permanent benefits for a long period of time). Just like you can not underestimate the weather in ski jumping, and so do not overemphasize the other sources of income, because without them we will be hard to achieve your goal.A very good way to make money online is to perform various jobs in the network. There are plenty of activities for which people are willing to pay us.
In this type of orders can not be ignored but one thing:- Customer SatisfactionIn this passive income thing is you can say that the less important because you do not care whether it already with us by clicking on the banner ad, a user who clicks to buy something advertised by our store or not (as in the case of AdSense ads) because we We paid for this one particular cliques.
Passive income such as selling is also on our website specific product, where it is not important whether the user who purchased the specified goods are happy with it at 50% or perhaps 75%, because we've already received a commission for the sale (this is the responsibility of the shop Internet is taking care of the quality of the goods).

However, in the orders that we receive via the Internet is important to conscientious action, because someone will be us (but only to us) assessed for the work done. And it is on this basis, the principal will decide whether to back us in the future or not.
On the Internet there are several places where we can obtain such orders, according to me some of the best are:
- Orders for net- Forum Buy / Sell at Pio- Oferia
It is also sometimes save instant messaging contacts because people very often advertise different things directly in the descriptions.
This post was not by chance . I carried out orders on the internet already quite a few times, and drove this blog in my last desire to work - I thought so - you have to first earn the money.
Without hesitation I accepted the request of one of the users to place a dedicated back-end and thus pocketed 40$ in less than 3 / 4 hours to work. Few? It's always something ;-)And you also accept orders on the internet?

Companies are embracing the Internet

Since I believe that newspapers lie not so much like to explore in their daily reading, often choose only interesting to me, fragments, and "throw the eye" to scribble the author.
Yesterday I accidentally fell into the hands of Rzeszow edition of Gazeta Wyborcza, and to be honest, that intrigued me there one of the articles - I decided to share it on the blog.

This article applies to Polish e-business, which according to me recently is developing very rapidly. Distinctly conspicuous headline:

     "Companies are embracing the internet"

     "They have their hand, leading e-business. In the last year increased the activity of Krosno businesses by 81%. This loom was a group of 10 developing cities in the network"

What could that mean for us?
This is a very good omen for the coming years. (And it is all thanks to the development of this source of information). Internet shops are able to sell products virtually without bearing any associated costs (not counting the cost of maintaining the domain and server). On the Internet, we need not already:

- premises
- Worker
- Goods on shelves

A number of visitors to this e-shop is several times greater than in traditional stores.
It is no wonder that companies decide to invest online.
And it all pays off well for us;-), more advertisers = more earnings on our website. I think that today also the lack of classes have nothing to complain about positioning the company for which such an increase in the activity of companies is a very nice gift.

Start blogging!

As I mentioned in last entry zapleczowych opened a few pages that will help me in running ... well, what? Practically speaking, even to this entry, I could not boast of any party to which I have built to achieve my goal.
To succeed I had to change it as soon as possible. I was still a free domain that you decided to manage. I did not think too long about the script - Wordpress, why?:

- Easy access to good and free templates
- High ease of use,
- Depending on the settings of your ad click-through rate usually quite large,
- Large selection of plugins,
- Very rapidly developed code,

- Frequent updates,
- Good user license to use the script,
- I do not pay for the use,
- Ease and speed of indexowania by Google
- Good support,

Small patch template, buy logos (for pennies because its making cost me about 3 zł) and the blog is almost ready. Okay, okay ... and what about the texts? I went pretty heavy subject matter, (Its advantages are that easy to get a good article and a pretty good move but the same CTR and CPC is a poor level.

It's time for advertising! xD (that's what they like most Tigers). Here, as so far I used the following mix:

- Google AdSense
- Prolink
- CPMprofit

Another similar site with the same theme I decided to bet on blogerze;-) (there have only put AdSense). In the end convince whether Google favors their side in terms of bonus items.

Making time to start!

The first steps are always the hardest, including those in the network. I think a good way to pass the most difficult barrier is the initial infection sleeves and take on the fierce work.
Approaching the end of the month so cool that it was already at this first stage to earn some coins, the more so for this purpose I set up a new bank account:). Confine myself in this way from giving pieniążków earned (because and so sometimes you will need to do). My new account, in contrast to the old interest rate is so small numbers on the account will grow.

Over the period from the foundation of this blog to not sit idly by now. I had in store for some old regional domains and seo hosting, so I decided to use them. The result of my actions became zapleczowych 9 pages (private pretzels). I'm going to use them directly and indirectly to earn some helmets.

After the direct method I have here in mind:
- Sale of positioning others
- The sale links positioning (perhaps it will help me prolink.pl system)
- Sale of advertising space (in various forms)

Indirect method involves the use of such facilities in order to podlinkowania own sites and thus increase their position in Google (which I do not think I have to write what leads).

Can anyone accuse me that I am not a professional because I put all zapleczówki based on a script (and that is Wordpress) Synod, in spite of everything that they have:

- As the smallest number of outbound links (in accordance with the license, and often also for the link to the broadcast Wordpress-a rel = "nofollow"),
- The uniqueness of templates,
- The uniqueness of any patterns on the site,
- The uniqueness of IP
- And finally the uniqueness of the same domains,

The plans have also the establishment within each of these domains at 5 sites on subdomains or place another 45 wordpressów.
Same configuration in this entry I will not discuss, because I intend to create for this purpose, an extensive post. However I still had the hardest - Linked. The same facilities without links leading to it is not worth anything, so it's important at this point to really make the effort.
Personally, I am the happy owner of a well-OmniAdd ScrapeBox-and that I hope I automate this process lightly.

Slightly summarizing: Meeting is now, now I'm flying them nonstop and OmniAddem scrapeboxem;)


In today's entry I would like to describe the purpose for which - here on this blog, I will seek. As I wrote in the first entry, this should best be quite ambitious, as it has continued to give us the motivation to work. In spite of everything but do not overdo it with his ambition, because we are very disappointed when we do not reach even the namiastki.Dlaczego should ask ourselves goals and why they are used to describe once Krzysztof Lis on his blog. Sam founded on a fairly ambitious goal of obtaining 200 000  the end of 2012 - unfortunately, as it turns out this is already a large amount even for him.

So what would I satysfakcjonowało?

I enter in this age when one starts to have dreams quite prohibitive. Such a dream in my case is to buy their own apartment somewhere in the cozy town:). I am aware, however, that these are not cheap stuff, and certainly the blogging I can not reach such pieniążków, so my goal let it be pretty cool amount: 30 000

Every month I tried to write reports, which will take account of progress on the way to my coarse hand;]. Reports will include not only profit from blogging, but also services that will perform future principals.

Death line?

     On the occasion of each goal is worth to fix the so-called. line of death. This is the date by which we want to achieve the objective pursued by us. I will do likewise.

The time to achieve an objective: 4 years

30 000 $ / 4 years = 7 500 $ per year
7 500 / 12 = 625 $ per month

How do you think, if the goal is to achieve?
Time will tell.

The first entry

Welcome to my page!

      The first entry on a new, newly founded blog should always be the presentation of plans for the future. It is worth always set a good beginning, most ambitious and slow over time strive to attain it.
     At present, the network is already in mass sites with similar content to that (eg 20ojrodziennie), which show great ways to make the blog. With this in mind I decided to start a blog where I describe all of these techniques make + things that are not described competition. I will not feel limited to the very livelihood on blogs and portals, but also to activities in other areas from which we can derive profit. If possible I would also move topics such as positioning, optimization and promotion on the Internet. From time to time I will also prepare the valuable bonuses for regular readers (eg, free codes for catalogs and place for leaving her stranded and thus self-promotion).

    Hopes for the future? - First of all I would like to make this blog and my contributions have helped at least one person in the first earning money online. As we all know in every area of ​​life is the most difficult start, I hope that through my entries in the entry in the Internet business for beginners will be much easier.
Regarding the more advanced users, those who already earn a helmet I hope that my work will also be appreciated by them and by interesting commentary will share valuable information that will help both parties find themselves in this virtual world.