piątek, 23 grudnia 2011

Making time to start!

The first steps are always the hardest, including those in the network. I think a good way to pass the most difficult barrier is the initial infection sleeves and take on the fierce work.
Approaching the end of the month so cool that it was already at this first stage to earn some coins, the more so for this purpose I set up a new bank account:). Confine myself in this way from giving pieniążków earned (because and so sometimes you will need to do). My new account, in contrast to the old interest rate is so small numbers on the account will grow.

Over the period from the foundation of this blog to not sit idly by now. I had in store for some old regional domains and seo hosting, so I decided to use them. The result of my actions became zapleczowych 9 pages (private pretzels). I'm going to use them directly and indirectly to earn some helmets.

After the direct method I have here in mind:
- Sale of positioning others
- The sale links positioning (perhaps it will help me prolink.pl system)
- Sale of advertising space (in various forms)

Indirect method involves the use of such facilities in order to podlinkowania own sites and thus increase their position in Google (which I do not think I have to write what leads).

Can anyone accuse me that I am not a professional because I put all zapleczówki based on a script (and that is Wordpress) Synod, in spite of everything that they have:

- As the smallest number of outbound links (in accordance with the license, and often also for the link to the broadcast Wordpress-a rel = "nofollow"),
- The uniqueness of templates,
- The uniqueness of any patterns on the site,
- The uniqueness of IP
- And finally the uniqueness of the same domains,

The plans have also the establishment within each of these domains at 5 sites on subdomains or place another 45 wordpressów.
Same configuration in this entry I will not discuss, because I intend to create for this purpose, an extensive post. However I still had the hardest - Linked. The same facilities without links leading to it is not worth anything, so it's important at this point to really make the effort.
Personally, I am the happy owner of a well-OmniAdd ScrapeBox-and that I hope I automate this process lightly.

Slightly summarizing: Meeting is now, now I'm flying them nonstop and OmniAddem scrapeboxem;)

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